Friday, March 13, 2015

The Value of Summer Camp

Ross Fidler, camper, counselor, and member of the Camp's Honor Society with a total of 13 summers spent on the Knoll so far, sent us the following article. Like Ross, we feel that it echoes the mission and the real importance of William Lawrence Camp.

Why Summer Camp is Important for Generation Y
Ephram Caflun M.S.W.
One of the greatest gifts you can give a child

Ephram is the Director for Camp Wekeela in Hartford, Maine. In this article, he writes 
" Camp provides children with the opportunity to connect with nature, to participate in human-powered activities, and to benefit from personal and primary relationships.
   At camp, children learn to stretch their boundaries and experience life through the eyes of someone whose life is not a mirror image of their own. By doing so, camp increases their self-esteem and confidence and fosters their independence."
To read the entire article, click on Ephram Caflun article
Article is copyrighted 2014 by VincentCurtis Educational Register