Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Importance of William Lawrence Camp Values

Boys enjoying William Lawrence Camp

At William Lawrence Camp, we believe in building strong relationships and character development. We pride ourselves on being a family-like, residential camp that emphasizes our four core values: Willingness, Loyalty, Comradeship and Sportsmanship. These values are the foundation of our camp and help to create an atmosphere of kindness and respect.

What Does Willingness Mean?

At William Lawrence Camp, we teach our boys to be willing to try new activities and take on new challenges each day. We strive to foster an environment where children can explore their interests and push themselves outside of their comfort zones. Through willingness, campers learn how to be open-minded, flexible and resilient.


The Power of Loyalty

Being loyal is more than just being a good friend; it’s about being reliable and dependable in any situation. At William Lawrence Camp, loyalty is one of our most important core values because it teaches children how to form lasting friendships with their peers while also learning the importance of honoring commitments. Our counselors work hard to ensure that everyone feels connected as part of the larger over-night camp community.


The Meaning Behind Comradeship

Comradeship at William Lawrence Camp means appreciating others for who they are as individuals while also working together as a team. Through comradeship, children develop interpersonal skills such as understanding multiple perspectives and using active listening techniques. We strive to provide a safe space for all campers so they can grow together without fear or judgement from their peers or counselors.

Sportsmanship at its Finest

At William Lawrence Camp, sportsmanship is about having integrity when you play a game or participate in an activity with your peers. We emphasize fair play among all participants while allowing everyone equal opportunity to compete according to their individual abilities. Our staff members are committed to teaching the importance of respect for other players regardless if they win or lose the game. Sportsmanship helps our campers build confidence by recognizing that failure is an important part of success!


William Lawrence Camp believes in cultivating strong relationships through meaningful experiences that emphasize our four core values: Willingness, Loyalty, Comradeship and Sportsmanship. By emphasizing these values throughout our program curriculum, we strive to create an environment where children can develop lifelong skills such as resilience, self-confidence and teamwork - all in a fun and friendly atmosphere! Our goal is for every camper who visits us this summer will leave feeling inspired by what they have learned from their time spent with us! To learn more about the WLC Cornerstones visit