My LIT year at William Lawrence Camp has really shown me that we have to appreciate what we have. Throughout my years between camp, I have taken for granted all of the good times I’ve had here. All of the dining hall chants, the really fun evening programs, like Nitro (a camp favorite), Goldrush, and all the daily activities that I would never get to experience at any other camp. These are all things I’m now realizing how much I’ll miss, now that I’m moving to another country. Through my year as an LIT, I’ve gotten to see all of the happy times we provide for campers. I was assigned to riflery, and I saw kids grow to love the sport and really improve upon it, but most importantly the smiles on their faces when they hit a good target, or when they entered the riflery range. And with the campers in my cabin, I loved to hear them talk about the activities they had done that I wasn’t there for and how they were all great friends with each other. They all talked about what they did with their friends and cabin mates. William Lawrence Camp has always been a great place for me to explore new interests, make new friends, and get to experience things that you couldn’t experience anywhere else in the whole world! And through all these things that I’ve had the pleasure of doing, William Lawrence has taught me to really appreciate everything I have in life, and has encouraged me to look for more.